Monday, June 10, 2013

Percent Practice

Click on the first link below to access the "TRY THIS" activity.  This will walk you through percents. I  know it seems silly, but its very important for you to know this stuff!

Once you finish that (it will tell you to start changing things & wont have a check your answer button) Then click on the second link.  Click on Level 1 Follow instructions - You WILL need paper!!!  Do at LEAST 8 rounds & keep track of what you "purchase" in each round, the total, the discount, and the new price.  Thanks!



LAST  - Go to think through math

at 9:20 (first period) & at 10: 50 (second period)  go to Math Mayhem!

Keep track of your high scores on the board (if you want)

Have a good day!


CLICK -> Math Mayhem!!!